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St. Clare Catholic Middle School uses an interdisciplinary team-teaching approach to ready students for college-preparatory coursework in high school. Along with foundational coursework in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts, students are offered specialty courses in foreign language, physical education, and the fine arts (band, chorus, art) as well as technology which integrates many projects within each subject. The one-to-one iPad program encourages students to create, participate, smoothly communicate, receive immediate feedback, and access numerous resources in all subjects.


St. Clare offers both Algebra I, Algebra I Honors, and Spanish I for high school credit. High school credit can also be earned for Geometry using the Florida Virtual School Learning Lab Model (All students must meet certain criteria).


St. Clare Catholic School places a heavy emphasis on developing the core skills of reading, writing, and spelling with enhanced emphasis during the middle school years on literature, critical thinking, creative writing, and reading comprehension. Middle school students are required to complete research papers which are integrated with library and technology, requiring the students to learn advanced library search skills, development of thesis statements, correct MLA formatting and citation, and overall research report writing skills. Students utilize 2017 Pearson MyPerspective English Language Arts (ELA), a blended print and digital curriculum, which promotes college and career readiness and next-generation learning experiences.


Our math program actively engages students in making sense of mathematics while developing confidence in their mathematical ability. Through projects, hands-on activities, cooperative tasks, real world applications, and engaging in mathematical discourse, middle school learners are increasing their capacity for abstract thinking. The math curriculum is designed to strengthen computational skills and provide opportunities for expanding mathematical reasoning. The Glencoe Math curriculum helps our students in mastering the Dioceses of Palm Beach standards. Students are able to make connections from prior learning to new or expanded knowledge. Honors and Advanced courses are available for qualified students.


Science, by definition, is primarily “knowledge gained by observing and studying the world around us.” By engaging students in hands-on activities, cooperative working groups, and in-depth study of a variety of topics, students graduate from St. Clare with an exceptional foundation of science and technology. Our middle school journey includes a focus on geology, astronomy, general chemistry, and botany.

Our science curriculum, Florida Science, includes multiple technological components such as tools and software to create, navigate, and synthesize the topics covered. The journey is designed to be interactive, engaging, and rigorous in efforts to spark students’ interest in looking at the world from different perspectives and recognize not only our role as part of it, but also the limitless possibilities that come with it.


The St. Clare Catholic School Social Studies curriculum, McGraw-Hill, is a mix of print materials and digital resources which meets the needs of all students. Students exercise precise note-taking, essay writing, and standardized chapter tests. The overall philosophy of Social Studies at St. Clare Catholic School focuses on the history of the world, civics and economics and the history of the United States. Events viewed together begin to form meaningful patterns making up the substance of who Americans are and what Social Studies means to us.


Religion is a daily component of the Middle School curriculum. Our religious education program follows and exceeds the Diocesan curriculum and standards. We utilize the Sophia Institute series and reinforce our learning through participation in weekly Masses and by receiving the sacraments. Religion is 24 hours a day at St. Clare Catholic School in all that we do, learn, and say. We are not only preparing our students for high school, we are preparing them for Heaven.