Our religious education program will teach the traditions, beliefs, values and practices of the Catholic faith. We will educate and promote the spiritual and moral values necessary to lead productive lives in the practice and faith of the Catholic Church.
This task is carried out under the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, which safeguards the truth of the divine message. The bishop of Palm Beach Diocese holds the primary position of authority over programs of catechesis, while the pastor, Father Nicholas Zrallack of St. Clare remains the local authority for the supervision of religious education.
Part of our primary goal is not only to impart knowledge, but also to place into practice a committed and unrestrained love for Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith and values, therefore providing the basis and drive necessary to lead a life in faith. Since the First Educator in the faith is the family, our program instruction provides an educational foundation and enhances the family’s efforts. Parents play the critical role in faith formation and must support and reinforce the parish community’s efforts. For this reason, whenever possible, both child and parents will be involved in the cathetical process.
Our program will follow the outline and curriculum guidelines for religious education as established by the Diocese of Palm Beach. The standard reference will be the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Learners study materials selected for appropriate age levels in keeping with the objectives and requirements as established per learning level and are approved by the USCCB. Our curriculum is delivered using W.H. Sadlier “We Believe” for grades K-2 and “Spirit of Truth” for grades 3-8.
CGS Level 1 Atrium is for 3 to 6-year-old children. CGS is a Montessori-based religious formation program for children, which is currently being offered to PRE-K 4 students. It seeks to create and facilitate a sacred, "hands-on" environment for children called an atrium, in which both the children and the catechists can hear, ponder, and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed in the Scriptures and Liturgy. To learn more about CGS, click on this link .
The requirements are determined by the Diocese, and generally consist of two consecutive years of religious education. Additional support for child and home in specific sacramental preparation prior to the conferral of all sacraments is provided.
2nd grade students study and prepare for Reconciliation and First Communion. First Penance is generally scheduled during the penitential seasons of the liturgical year. First Communion and Confirmation (in 9th grade) are conferred just prior to the Church’s Easter season.
The link to the religious Education page can be found on the Church’s webpage,
For more information:
Email Bebe Mendoza, Director of Religious Education, at